EVACLITE includes 2 components: 1. Local control Panel
2. Paging station
The Local Control Panel is a 8 speaker circuit digital voice
alarm controller which includes a digital signal processor,
audio storage for pre-recorded messages, and control, fire
alarm input, loudspeaker output connection terminals and
audio source connection ports for auxiliary inputs.
The Local Control panel is the interface between field devices
such as loudspeakers and local audio sources. EVACLITE is a
cost effective solution for requirements less that 8
loudspeaker circuits(zones). The unit has 1 emergency input
and 8 loudspeaker circuits (zones). The unit also can store
and play pre recorded emergency messages to alert or
evacuate the fire zones.
Emergency Voice Alarm – General Description
Emergency Voice alarm systems shall be installed in public
places based on the norms released by the international and
local authorities having jurisdiction. Public places may be
high-rise buildings with commercial or residential use,
shopping malls, subway stations, train stations, hospitals,
schools etc.
The prime objective of the system shall be to broadcast
evacuation or alert messages to all the zones, in the event
of an emergency. The system also should be able to
receive information from Fire Alarm Panels, and play
automated messages in order to ensure the safe
evacuation of people.
Activation of pre-recorded emergency audio files
broadcasting will suspend all low priority operations such
as background music or commercial announcements.
The Emergency Voice alarm system must be capable of
broadcasting clear messages to lead occupants to a safe
area as per the building design. For achieving the same,
high quality audio broadcasts with sequential automated
and/or manual operations are required